Here at Sassy Minx PR, I like to keep it simple, so I offer 3 fabulous packages o' PR wonder for authors and MBS services...
★ A li'l bit o' Sass
Perfect if you're on a budget, if you have a product/service/event that you want to tell the world about, we will write you a really rather fabulous press-friendly, buzz-making press release that will excite and entice, for you to distribute.
A li'l bit o' Sass will involve PR consultation, identifying an angle and writing a press release.
★ A substantial amount o' Sass
If you want to make sure your product/service/event gets the attention it absolutely deserves, you'll need a kick-ass PR plan o' action for the press to respond to. Sassy Minx PR will ensure you have maximum impact, rock your message and sell both you, and your brand. identify where you're at, where you want to be and how together we can make it happen with the power of PR. We will put together a three month PR action plan to kick start your awesomeness and move you forward in a way you'll love.
A substantial amount o' Sass will involve PR consultation, a press release, a bespoke three month PR plan specifically for your brand/product/service/event, and ongoing support and advice throughout the 3 month period.
★ A whole lot o' Sass
Sassy Minx pr will be your press office. I will generate kick-ass, relevant press coverage for your brand/product/service/event. I will consult with you about your wants and needs and together, we'll create a buzz around your brand through media releases, product placement and generally spreading the word in the right circles - I know all the right people! I will respond to all media inquiries on your behalf, arrange interviews and provide images on request.
For more information on our fees and services contact us at: